Environmental & Contamination Monitoring Products
Rad Elec Inc. - E-PERM System Products
Gamma Monitor Canister & Lid
Pocket Gamma Survey Meter
The custom aluminum gamma monitor canister with stainless steel reinforced neck and elastomer lined screw lid is an integral part of both the Environmental Gamma Radiation Monitor Kit and the Area or Near Field Gamma Monitoring Kit.
The Pocket Gamma Survey Meter is the perfect accessory for your radon measurements and home inspections. This Geiger-Muller based detector can measure background radiation (gamma and beta particle flux) over the range of 0.01 to 999 uSv/h (microsieverts per hour), and accumulated doses up to 999 Sv
Surface Alpha Monitor
Description coming soon.
Trimmed Electrets (ST or LT)
Precision trimmed to fit inside gamma deployment canisters; each comes with keeper cap. Typically over 600 VDC electrostatic potential to ensure numerous deployments.
Tritium S-Chamber
The Tritium S-Chamber comprises a modified 210 ml volume S-Chamber with twelve 18.26 mm dia., carbon-coated Tyvek windows. It facilitates the measurement of daily avg. air concentration of tritium at PHWR & CANDU NPPs, test/research reactors, and tritium processing facilities.
Surface Beta Monitor
Description coming soon.